Why Rental Applications Save You Big Dollars?
What are you really getting when you require your prospective tenants to fill our an in depth rental application? If your property is important to you then the answers are: Better Renters, Protection of Rental Property, and Peace of Mind.
Rental applications and references are the security you need to safeguard your investment. It helps ensure you get your rent on time, that your property is not harmed while they reside there, and that you can relax and enjoy the process.The application takes a couple of minutes to fill out and helps provide an in depth look at those who are wanting the keys to your house, apartment, mobile home, or duplex. It allows you to choose the best applicant based on facts and their rental history instead of a quick interview.For those of you who feel “I have perfect tenants, and no issues with evictions, skips, proxy renters, property damage, or on-property crime,” That's great, but one bad tenant can cost thousands of dollars. One bad tenant can tie you up in court costing additional dollars, time, and stress. Is it worth taking the chance? Take control of your rental property with a solution that is efficient, reliable, and socially responsible.